Steve Dong

Meet Our Team

President, CEO

Steve Dong is an accomplished CEO, President, and Board member who has led 9 for-profit and 2 non-profit organizations. He has a strong record of identifying and capitalizing on market opportunities, expanding market share, and out-competing competition.

His global executive leadership experience includes VC funding, launching, and scaling ventures, forming strategic partnerships, and advising at the board and C-suite level. Steve adds value in areas such as board and executive governance, strategic development, and championing successions, ideation, and innovations. He has served as a trusted mentor and advisor to 300+ high-capacity leaders worldwide, helping them create game-changing and world-changing legacies.

With expertise across AI, cybersecurity, IoT, technologies, manufacturing, supply chain, and other industries, Steve currently chairs boards and serves as Co-Founder and CEO of CybrCastle. His depth of experience in building, guiding, and growing organizations positions him as an invaluable strategic advisor and governor for business and community building globally.